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August 7th to 10th 

Baliem Valley Festival 2023

By attending the great colorful show in the highland of Baliem Valley, West Papua. This show is a massive cultural show that will take place on August 2023.

Tour Itinerary :

Day 01 : Arrival in Baliem Valley, Wamena

On arrival in Wamena Airport you will bemet byyour guide and proceed drive to your booked hotel for check in and continue heading to police station for a travel permit/Surat Jalan, then you will go see a mimmified cheaf in Jiwika and on your return drive you will stop by in a local market. After all, going back to your hotel. Dinner & overnight stay at your booked hotel.

Day 02 : Festival / Opening Ceremoney

Having breakfast, then start driving out heading to the great festival cultural show in Walesi.Enjoy the Opening ceremoney. In the Opening Ceremoeny there will be performanced some atractions such;  ( Tribal war, Puradan/children competition, FeastAttraction/traditionally cooked, Tradition dances, Archery competition, Javelin competition, Pikon Competition/local instruments competition, and Pig race competition ). If you are interested to take a part and experience some in this competitions, there will be some contests are provided only for foreigners too, like Archery and Javelin competitions, so please let us know early if you are palnning to join in then we will arrange it for you. Lunch box and bevarages will be provided. After end of Festival drive back to your  booked hotel. Dinner on your account.

Day 03 :  Festival

After breakfast, we startdrive to the Festival and enjoy the festival. If you are walking around for taking pictures, your guide will stay accompany you around. Lunch box and bevarages will be provided. After all performances are completely done then drive back to your booked hotel. Dinner on your account.

Day 04 : Festival

Having breakfast and start again to the Festival. Enjoy the festival the performances. Ussualy there 30-40 districts are joined in this event. And they will performance their own traditions. If you are palnning to go out to enjoy the view then your guide will show you around and drive back to Wamena. Overninght stay at your booked hotel. Dinner on your account.

Day 05 : Short Transfer To the Airport

After morning breakfast, Free drop off to airport & catch your flight for the next destinations.


PRICE Information

Things To Bring :

  • First aid box,
  • Camera,
  • Light or Matches
  • Small Money
  • Identification Document
  • Plastic bags
  • Raingear (water proof jacket, hood for the backpack, trousers)
  • Sun glasses and hat, sun blocker
  • Fleece hat


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